失聲祭 Listen69
day | : 2013. 03. 16 (Sat) | time | : 18:30 open / 19:00 start | live | : diode (HK) , Fiona LEE (HK) , Taishi Kamiya(JP) | place | : 噪咖 (Taipei)http://noisekitchen.tw | charge | : NT$.150(with drink) | website | : http://lsf-taiwan.blogspot.jp |

diode (HK)
diode is a sonic collective of five multi-disciplinarians from Hong Kong (Jasper Fung, Frank Lam, Lau Ho Chi, Eason Page, Wong Chun Hoi). Mainly focusing on the possibilities of sonic performance structure and theatrical listening experience. They first started playing music through a one-way-direction loop which the audio signal travels like current flow through a diode in a closed electronic circuit.
About the performance: The simple audio hardware connection structure of diode's transfers sound which start at one-way-direction. The unique signal routing and placement of speakers intended to generate a bonding between the black-out theatrical environment and the audience. By looping the sound of diverse objects, ranging from guitar pick up effect to daily objects, diode creates sort of dizziness, just like merry-go-around with unknown rhythms.
暖場藝術家︱diode (HK) diode(馮俊彥、林杰恆、劉浩知、曾家偉、王鎮海) 的聲音創作和演出旨在試驗表演劇場的在地聆聽經驗,以二極管電流單向流動方式於環狀音訊連接結構內傳輸及扭曲。 Website|http://d-i-o-d-e.com/ 關於演出: 單向閉合的音訊流動於表演場地中四處泄漏

Fiona LEE (HK)
Fiona Lee was born in Hong Kong,SAR China in 1987. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts, major in Critical Intermedia Laboratory in School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong in 2011. Her work
Performance Introduction︱Delight A light bulb does not only emit light.It also produces sound. This performance orchestrates intriguing light patterns and soundscapes by amplifying the rhythmic sound of turning a row of light bulbs on and off but also dimming from incandescent light bulb and compact fluorescent lamp. These two kinds of light bulbs contain different frequency of sound when lighting them up. By arranging the specific light bulbs on and off, the composition of the performance is executed no matter audibly in sound and visually in light and shadow.
演出者︱李穎姍 (HK) 1987年生於香港。2011年畢業於創意媒體學院,香港城市大學,主修批判性跨媒體實驗室。 她的作品曾於不同的藝術節展出,如香港ifva獨立短片及影像媒體節, Hell ! Hot音樂節, 首爾國際新媒體藝術節等等。作品媒介以裝置和表演為主。現階段關注於日常生活以及大自然裡的微少變化,再而與科技融合,發展出表達個人感受的各種可能性,同時繼續發掘更多聲音的可愛之處。 e-Mail|fionaleews@gmail.com Website|www.fionaobscura.com 表演簡介︱電光樂曲 燈泡不單發光,還會發聲。 藝術家利用排列好的烏絲燈泡及螢光燈開關和調光暗時所發出的聲音放大,配合其光暗明滅,創造出有趣的光影圖案和聲音景域。兩種燈泡在發光時各有不同的音頻,透過預定的程式排列起來,作品的聲影交融合奏。藝術家希望透過此作品令觀眾多留意日常生活中一些“隱藏”的聲音。

Taishi Kamiya
Born in Sapporo, Taishi Kamiya currently resides in Tokyo. He seeks to explore the moments when audible sounds turn into music. Making full use of Soprano saxophone and laptop computer, he performs by processing the derived sounds in real time. He has released a solo album from the label Home Normal (UK), and has performed live as Nömi and Asana x Kamiya, etc.. In addition to his performances, he is involved in sound installations using various atmospheres. He is interested in the way that tones change, depending on situations and circumstances, such as inside a temple, or during a snow. He also plans and organizes music events.
Performance Introduction︱real-time processing improvisation Taishi Kamiya plays the soprano saxophone and processes the saxophone sound into various type of sounds by laptop computer in real-time to create his music. He doesn't always use prepared sound materials and specific musical structure. He seeks to explore the possibility of sound processing in real-time.
演出者︱神谷泰史 (JP) 生於札幌,Taishi Kamiya現居於東京。他嘗試探索聽覺的聲響轉換成音樂的瞬間,善用高音薩克斯風和筆記型電腦,從中獲取聲響,並在現場表演時加工處理。他已在英國廠牌Home Normal旗下發行一張獨奏專輯,並參與多場現場表演,如Nömi和Asana x Kamiya等。演出之餘,他也會創造聲音裝置,而能在不同的氛圍中使用。他著迷於在不同的情境下聲調的轉變,例如廟裡或雪中。現在,他也在計劃和籌備一些音樂活動。 Website|http://windtail.com 表演簡介︱real-time processing improvisation 透過高音薩克斯風演奏,以及用筆記型電腦即時將其處理成多樣的聲響,Taishi Kamiya從而創造出他的音樂。他不常採用備妥的聲音材料或特定的音樂結構,而是汲汲於探索即時處理聲音的可能性。